The Value of Outside Perspective

Sometimes to achieve the best end result, we have to step outside of our bubble. Whether you’re just starting up or your project is stuck, amazing things can happen when you open up to some outside perspective. Limited budgets, ambitious timelines, and inherit fear of “too many cooks in the kitchen” can cause business owners to inhibit their marketing potential – looking only to their employees or existing agency for direction.

Look from the Inside Out

A recent survey of 300+ small businesses conducted by demonstrated that 43% trust and invest in their own in-house employees to meet their digital marketing goals. Don’t get us wrong – human capital is essential to business growth. These are the people on the front lines helping your business do what it does all day, every day. If you’ve built a team of smart, dedicated, creative people, your company is going places. However, the solution to your online marketing challenges isn’t always necessarily under your roof.

A truly successful website launch or advertising campaign is the product of collaboration between your staff and some outside talent. It’s not about stretching the capabilities and expectations of your existing workforce, but creating symbiotic connections to see the project through. Not to mention, people within your organization spend a majority of their waking hours thinking about your business. Oftentimes, it takes a fresh new perspective from someone who isn’t quite as close to the nucleus to conceive something really brilliant.

This is also true of entrepreneurs with a staff of one. As a bootstrapped startup, the sole proprietor ends up wearing a lot of hats – especially in the beginning. To be so deeply enveloped in your own business doesn’t necessarily make you the best person to be marketing it. An outside agency or individual can help articulate your offering to the world and execute an effective strategy for online success.

Escape the Project Vacuum

So you’ve assembled a team to bring your digital marketing project to fruition. Perhaps you’re utilizing some in-house talent as well as an outside agency. The original timeline is completely out the window and you’re starting to feel the momentum from earlier stages has since halted. If progress has slowed because new ideas are missing the mark or the conceptual trajectory has gone off course, this is an ideal time to seek out some outside perspective.

Metaphorically-speaking, your team is crammed into a tiny room for months on end, breathing the same recycled air, growing more fatigued of the objective (and each other) by the day. Originality and innovation have dimmed to convenience and utility. Allowing someone else to offer a view from beyond those walls might be just what you need to bring your project back to life.

No matter what phase your web, print, or advertising project is in, inviting outside perspective can offer truly valuable insight and direction. To believe that your most-effective campaign approach exists within one person, one room, one department, or one agency, is severely limiting to your company’s potential. Before you go any further, think outside…