browse the web from mobile

Does Anybody Browse the Web from Their Phone?

Why your mobile presence is more important than you think!

One-third of the U.S. population owns a smartphone . Even more astonishing, 87% of these smartphone owners use their device to access the internet on a daily basis- a number that has more than tripled since 2009! Let’s face it, the smartphone has become apart of our everyday lives; it is the preferred source for all network activity including information retrieval.

With these statistics it’s evident that businesses not supported by a fresh mobile web presence may be missing out. Rather than ignoring mobile web, companies should be looking to embrace what it has to offer and consider how it can take the company to a new level. In our opinion, there are four distinct routes to consider:

Route 1: A Well-Designed Website

A well-designed website should be readable in any browser, including smartphones and tablets. Creating a well-designed website could be as easy as tweaking your current site. A good starting point is taking a look at your existing pages to determine what aspects of the site are actually viewable on a smartphone. Tweaks to be made could include adjusting the column width or font size used on the site. Functions to be aware of are the use of drop down menus and flash which are not commonly supported via mobile.

Route 2: A Responsive/Adaptive Website

To improve readability and mobile visitor experience a responsive website is a great approach, especially when the original site’s column width doesn’t fit different screen sizes. This tactic will allow you to meet specific site goals as the screen shown adapts to different sizes and resolutions while the user passes through.

Route 3: A Mobile (aka “M.”) Website

By establishing a website dedicated to mobile users your company can enhance the visitor’s experience. This route provides a specific style guide that takes out advertisements and other content that distract from the raw information being presented.

Route 4: A Web Application

The most robust option out there is a web application which promises to create the best possible experience for visitors by ensuring site content is available through full, mobile, touch, and application versions. Customizing a web app goes beyond what can be done on html, ultimately creating a smoother, faster and cleaner experience.

Bottom line, when it comes to choosing a mobile support strategy you need to consider your company’s goals. What may be wildly successful for one company may not work for yours. Taking a look at the content and objectives being presented and keeping in mind the visitors viewing your site will help you make an informed decision as to which route will have the biggest impact on your business.

Related Links:

Well-Designed Website for Mobile

Responsive Web Design

Web Application