Fixing Stuck Sites
Over the years, several new clients have approached us at a time of digital desperation. Oftentimes, these individuals have started a website project with another agency or developer, but were ultimately disappointed by the direction things were going.
Whether the problems are aesthetic differences, creative incompatibility, or overall quality of work, it’s all too common for a company to find themselves with an unfinished website that isn’t going anywhere. Sound familiar?
Perhaps the collaboration started out great but unraveled over time, or maybe you knew right away you had partnered with the wrong agency. We’ve heard so many horror stories. Sometimes, a client will hire a freelance designer and go months at a time without hearing about the website’s progress. Regardless of the issues, you now have a budget that’s nearly depleted and a website that isn’t ready to launch.
Before you spend another dime or (worse) settle on something you aren’t happy with, take a step back. If you move forward with a sub-par site, you will regret it in the long run.
The site is much more than pixels and code; it’s a marketing tool that can propel your company to the next level. Your website is the first place new customers look when they hear about you. That’s why it is important that your website reflects the best parts of your company. It should compel your customers to reach out to you. Putting in the extra effort to launch a beautiful, effective website will be worth it in the end.
We know that the thought of starting over is daunting at best. Finding an agency, managing the project, reviewing work, and providing feedback is a serious time commitment for any business. You might feel hopeless, given the resources you have sunk into the stuck website already. Don’t worry—your energy was not spent in vain. In all likelihood, you won’t have to start from scratch to build a new website.
Chances are, at the very least, you have a decent foundation, but need a company with a fresh perspective and serious design and development chops to bring it home. A new agency can build from the positives of your stuck site to achieve the desired outcome in timely fashion at minimal cost. If you recall, we recently wrote about how we did just that for Kyro Systems.
ACS Creative can evaluate your stuck website and help you develop a plan of attack. Your site may need minor tweaks, or it could have foundational issues and require more effort. Whatever we find, we promise to deliver the best options for your website. You’ll feel confident that the new, un-stuck site will last for years to come.
The important takeaway here is just because your website is stuck doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it! As the client, you have a vision. You have a brand to protect. You have the right to ensure your website is effective in generating new business.