web design agency vs freelancer

Web Design Agency vs Freelancer

Two years ago a study conducted by BIA/Kelsey concluded that nearly all (97%) consumers use online media when researching products and services. It’s safe to assume that since 2010, this number has not decreased, but rather inched closer, if not already hit 100%. Let’s face it, the web is the new marketplace. Links not working and dead ends to internal pages are not acceptable. If consumers can’t access your site properly you are more than likely missing valuable business opportunities.Your website is your company, and may be the only opportunity you have to prove your expertise to consumers.

Following the consumer’s footsteps, do your research before taking any shortcuts in managing your site. Hiring a freelance web guru may seem like the best solution when looking at your budget and timeline, but is it?

Here are a couple of things when deciding between a web design agency vs freelance designers.


Is your freelancer qualified for your job… how do you know?

  • Design Firms generally tend to be well-versed in a variety of accounts. With a diverse portfolio you will have a better insight as to what you can expect from the firm.
  • You can rest assured that just like your business, a design firm will not consider mediocrity when it comes to staffing. Design firms interview talent and pre-screen their prerequisites so you don’t have to.
  • The knowledge base residing in a design firm can offer a broad range of insight into your project. Rather than being reliant on one person for the completion of your project, there are at least a few different points of contact readily available to assist.
  • To further validate the firm’s portfolio and designers testimonials can be offered.


You can’t ever get in touch with your Freelancer?

  • Most Design Firms have the standard 9am-6pm, Monday-Friday hours of operation – so there’s no surprises when it comes to availability. While “always available” sounds enticing, that’s not always the case! Just like you and everyone else, things come up and availability can change – this isn’t the case when working with a design firm.


But the freelancer met your budget requirements, right?

  • That’s great! If they deliver everything you expect and on time! Unfortunately this is not always the case. The phrase, “you get what you pay for” is applicable here. While you may end up paying a higher cost to work with a design firm, you are guaranteed to be a satisfied client – no firm wants a bad testimonial.

Remember, your website is a LIVE representation of your business! Can you afford to be unsatisfied with an overdue web project? Think about it.

For a project chat, quote or conversation don’t hesitate to reach out to ACS Creative!